Here is the best definition of leadership

Over the years experts have provided their own definition of leadership. Several of these make sense to me while some are difficult to follow. The longer the explanation the more suspect I am. The one definition that I found most useful is from John Maxwell. If you are not familiar with John – he is considered one of the top leadership gurus in the world. In his book, Developing the Leader Within You, John offers a simple definition. One that is easy for all of us to understand.

Leadership Is influence. That’s it. Nothing more; nothing less.

John Maxwell

Your ability to influence others…for better or for worse

I agree with John Maxwell. Leadership is all about how well you can influence others. If you are put in charge of a team, can you lead them effectively? Can you influence them enough to get the job done? If so, you are a leader. If not, it is harder to tell. You probably are not.

Influence is a double-edged sword

Good leaders influence their followers to achieve beneficial results. For example, Nelson Mandela changed a nation through his leadership. South Africa is a much better nation after Mandela’s leadership than before. In contrast – Hitler changed Germany while in charge. He left the country and much of Europe in ruins. Leaders leveraging their influence in the wrong way can cause catastrophic results. This fact is shown in some of today’s world events.

Nelson Mandela changed South Africa under his leadership.
Nelson Mandela changed South Africa through his leadership.

Some of us think we are leaders, but we actually are not

Maxwell makes an astute observation in the same book. This quote always makes me smile.

My favorite leadership proverb is: He who thinketh he leadeth and hath no one following him is only taking a walk.

 John Maxwell

The quote is funny. It is also true. If nobody is following you, then you are actually leading no one other than yourself. In my career, I have worked with several leaders who thought their team was following them. In fact, nobody was behind them. No one was on board with their plan. If only the leader would have taken the time to check, he would have realized that no one was following. He was only taking a walk – alone. Make sure you do not fall into the same trap. Check to see if your team is following you. If not, stop what you are doing, and go talk with them to identify the reasons they are not. Reality check – you may be the problem, not them.

If no one is following then you are not leading. You are simply walking alone.
If no one is following then you are not leading. You are simply walking alone.

Peter Drucker’s definition of leadership

I am a big fan of Peter Drucker. He was one of the most respected leadership experts in the world. His book, The Effective Executive is a classic. Everyone should read it. In fact, if you have not read his book, and you are a leader, add it to your reading list for this year. It is that good. Drucker points out that there is a big difference between leading and managing. My favorite quote from him about this topic is below.

Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.

Peter Drucker

Many of us are managers, not actually leaders

Drucker is drawing a clear distinction between management and leadership. I agree with him. There are several differences. I will not repeat content from two previous posts that describe the Common Management Model and the Uncommon Leadership Model. Rather, I want to point out that according to Drucker’s definition what you do as a leader is important. Many of us find ourselves in a leadership position, but we are not leading. We are managing. We are more focused on doing things right than asking ourselves if we are doing the right things. If you are a leader, follow Drucker’s advice. Spend your time wisely on the things that really matter. The activities that will drive results and make a positive impact.

Peter Drucker is the original leadership guru - his books are excellent.
Peter Drucker is the original leadership guru – his books are excellent.

Leadership is comprised of many components, not just one definition

This week I am sharing some of John Maxwell and Peter Drucker’s perspectives on leadership. In the next two weeks, I will share thoughts from two of the most famous US Army Generals in history – Colin Powell and Dwight Eisenhower. By putting all these pieces together I think we start to appreciate both the complexity and components that comprise leadership.

The good and bad news about the definition of leadership

First, here is the bad news – leadership is not easy. If it was everyone would be an effective leader. Let’s finish with the good news – leadership can be learned. That is the primary reason why All The Way Leadership! exists. To help train the next generation of leaders so that they can change the world, and make it a better place to live. We can do it.

ATW! is designed to make you a better leader

I hope you join me on this journey to raise up the next generation of leaders. The world is in desperate need of more great leaders. Women and men who lead with confidence, clarity, and creativity. It’s time to become the leader that your world needs. Let’s go All The Way!

All The Way Leadership!

Big welcome to All the Way Leadership!

A big welcome to All The Way Leadership!

My name is Doug Keating. I founded All The Way Leadership! with a single purpose in mind. This company will train the next generation of leaders who will make the world a better place. We help you become a strong leader by teaching you the three core competencies of leadership: confidence, clarity, and creativity. Sound like a BHAG (big hairy audacious goal) – it is. We live in a complicated world that is full of complex challenges, overwhelming obstacles, and persistent problems. At times it feels like modern society is coming apart at the seams. Simply read the news – the country is divided. You will agree with me that we are in desperate need of people with innovative ideas, comprehensive solutions, and increased integrity.

The recent election reveals how divided we are right now. (Image credit: kbeis / Getty Images)
The recent election reveals how divided we are right now. (Image credit: kbeis / Getty Images)

My belief is that nothing truly changes without leadership. It is an essential ingredient in making the world a better place and moving our country forward. I fully agree with John Maxwell’s quote below.

John Maxwell's perspective on leadership.
John Maxwell’s perspective on leadership – it is essential.

Why start a new leadership training company?

Good question. I already have a full-time job at one of the best technology companies in the country. Why in the world would I take on the daunting task of creating a side gig like All The Way Leadership! When starting any new journey it is important to understand why you are doing it. As Simon Sinek describes in his much-viewed TED talk – great companies start with describing why they are in business. If you have never seen Simon’s video – it is below. The video quality is not great, but the content is. It is worth viewing.

I agree with Simon. In fact, I think it so important to understand why I am creating this new company that I plan to spend the next few blog posts explaining the reasons why. Why leadership? Why now? The bottom line is that I believe we are in the middle of a leadership crisis. I see a lack of leadership at all levels – in my town, my county, my state, my country, and the world. We lack great leaders and the world is suffering because of this deficit. I also believe that I possess something to contribute to the solution.  I plan to share my observations, ideas, and thoughts about leadership. They are based on decades of experience and many lessons learned – most the hard way.

What you can expect from All The Way Leadership!

I have big plans for the company but will start small. For right now it is just me. I plan to expand the company leadership roster over time. I envision a diverse leadership team that brings different perspectives but the same passion as me for training the next generation of leaders. This endeavor begins with this blog. I will publish a new blog entry every week or so. Compelling content that will help make you a more effective leader. In the coming months, I plan to expand the product offerings to include a newsletter, webinars, and an online leadership training course. As the company grows and trains more leaders it will expand the products to include live training events and seminars.

ATW! is designed to make you a better leader

I hope you join me on this journey to raise up the next generation of leaders. The world is in desperate need of more great leaders. Women and men who lead with confidence, clarity, and creativity. It’s time to become the leader that your world needs. Let’s go All The Way!

ATW Leadership!